Journey Through Mark
The Authority of Jesus
The Kingdom of God: (Mark 1:1-8, 14-20)
The key to Mark’s Gospel is 4:41, the question the disciples ask… “Who is this?”
Read the context of this verse (vs. 35-41) carefully… Notice it was Jesus’ idea to travel across the sea of Galilee… and a storm came up. What does this say to you about difficulties when being obedient to Christ?
How would you answer the disciples question?
Who is Jesus in your life?
Who is he as you read through the pages of Scripture?
Read Mark 1:1-8, 14-20
Mark begins his Gospel with the words… “The beginning of the Gospel about Jesus Christ…” How would you explain the Gospel (Good News) to:-
Another believer
Someone who knows nothing about the Christian faith
Jesus’ first recorded words in Mark come in verse 15.
What is the kingdom of God?
The Kingdom of God is described as “near” – what is the significance of Jesus saying this?
We often think of repentance as being sorry for something we’ve done wrong… why is this an inadequate understanding of true repentance?
What then is biblical repentance?
How does repentance, belief in the Good News and the Kingdom of God work together?
How can I align myself more fully to the Kingdom of God?
What difference does this make?
Jesus' authority over temptation: (Mark 1:9-13, Matthew 4:1-11)
1. We pray (in the Lord’s Prayer) “And lead us not into temptation…”
a) What do you think about when you ask God for help?
b) What are your greatest temptations?
c) How easy / difficult is it to resist temptations? Why?
Read Mark 1:9-13
2. The times of greatest temptation often come after the “high” moments in our lives… for Jesus, hearing those words of the Father at his baptism must have been such an amazing affirmation…
a) why does times of challenge and temptation often follow?
b) Has that been a pattern in your life too?
3. Temptation is a powerful force… what makes it so difficult to resist? (Think about Jesus’ experiences)
Read Matthew 4:1-11 (which gives a greater insight into the temptations Jesus faced)
4. How was Jesus tempted?
a) What different areas of his life do the three temptations attack?
b) How did Jesus resist?
“All temptation causes you to question your true identity and the goodness and sufficiency of God”
5. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?
6. How can you fight temptation? Consider the following Scriptures:
2 Timothy 3:16-17;
Matthew 4:10;
Matthew 26:42;
Hebrews 1:14;
Hebrews 4:12-13;
Hebrews 4:14-16
7. Slowly read and meditate on 1 John 4:4. How does the truth of this verse make a difference against the temptations you face?
Jesus' Authority in the Spiritual Realm: (Mark 1:21-28):
1. Who was your best teacher?
a) What characteristics made them the best?
b) How did their teaching / personality make a difference in your life?
Read Mark 1:21-28
2. Jesus teaches in the Synagogue and the “people were amazed” (vs. 22, 27)
a) What was the cause of the people’s amazement?
b) What does it mean that Jesus taught with authority? (vs. 22)
c) How was this different to the Teachers of the Law in Jesus’ day?
3. The spirit is described as “evil” or “unclean”. What does it mean to be unclean (in a Biblical sense)? (see Lev. 5:2, 3;
10:10; 13:3; 15:1-33)
a) What is the intent behind the clean / unclean idea in the OT Law?
4. How does Jesus deal with the man with the unclean spirit?
a) How does this differ from the usual response of the Teachers of the Law?
b) How does Jesus’ encounters with those who are “unclean” call us to a different response to those on the “margins” of our society?
5. Compare Mark 1:21-28 and Mark 4:35-41.
a) What similarities do you notice?
b) What is Mark trying to say to you by these similarities?
6. How does Jesus’ authority in the natural and spiritual realms help us to face the struggles of life?
7. What one area of your life is Jesus calling you to take authority today?
Jesus' Authority in the Physical Realm: Healing (Mark 1:29-35)
1. When you think about the healing ministry of Jesus – what specific events come to mind?
2. Do you think that Jesus wants all people to be healed?
a) Why? / Why not?
b) What questions do you have when you read passages about Jesus and others in the Bible healing?
Read Mark 1:29-35
Read John 14:11-14.
3. What does this say to us about continuing the ministry of Jesus?
a) What did Jesus mean when he says that “we will do even greater things than these”?
b) Look at Luke 9:1-6 and Luke 10:1-9. How is this a model for us as followers of Jesus?
c) Should we be doing likewise?
i) Why / why aren’t we following this example?
4. Think about the healings of Jesus recorded in the Gospels.
a) What are the similarities and differences between each encounter?
b) How did Jesus know how to respond in each situation? (see Mark 1:35)
5. Faith is imperative for healing to occur – faith in the individual seeking healing, in the channel of God’s healing and in the people present. Look at the following examples and what do they say to you about the faith present in this situation.
a) Mark 1:31
b) Mark 2:5
c) Mark 2:11
d) Mark 6: 5-6
e) Mark 9:17-23, 28-29
6. Why doesn’t God always heal?
a) What blocks healing? (see John 10:10; 17:3; James 1:2-4; 2 Cor. 12:7-10)
b) What encourages healing?
7. How should I pray for healing?
8. If I see someone who needs a healing touch from God, do I have the faith to pray?
Jesus’ authority over your future (Mark 2:13-22)
1. When you were younger, what did you want to be when you got older?
a) Did you realise that dream?
b) Why / why not? What happened?
Read Mark 2:13-22
2. Jesus gave two words to Levi (Matthew) in verse 14, “follow me,” to what was Jesus calling Levi?
a) What was the consequences of following?
b) What were the things he (and the other disciples) left behind?
c) What did they gain when they answered the call to follow?
3. Do you remember a time when you responded to Jesus’ call to follow? What happened?
a) If you don’t remember a specific instance, how / when did you start following?
b) In the sermon, we shared how (one of) the opposites to love is control. How do I relinquish control over my life to Christ? See Luke 9:23.
4. When Jesus invites us to follow, why is it so difficult to be consistent?
5. What happens when we go our own way?
6. Consider Eph. 2:10; Phil. 2:13; Jer. 29:11; Ps. 139:16.
a) What do these promises say to you about God’s plan for your life once you’ve agreed to “follow me”?