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New Gospel Choir is here!    

When?  MAY 14th / MAY 21st Taster Sessions.  Venue: Union Church Totteridge, Northiam. Totteridge. Time: 10:30am.

There is something special about Gospel Music which speaks about God’s love, grace and provision in ways which everyone can both grasp and enjoy. Totteridge URC are kindly hosting this new venture. If you are interested in learning some Gospel music with a view to performing these in public then this is for you! Led by Phil Griffith, Music Director at Trinity Church Harrow, expect to learn some great songs and to have your vocal abilities stretched!  Rehearsals will be fun and we will be working towards at least two showcase concerts per year.


The concerts! 

There will be showcase concerts, for friends, families and the general public to come enjoy the songs which we have been rehearsing. Each concert will hopefully include around 10 songs by the choir, soloists and instrumentalists. The concerts will be a fantastic opportunity to invite others.

Who can Join?:  Everyone is welcome to join us. Because of space, we will be limited to around 45-50 people, in which case, auditions may become necessary, but don't let that put you off. For the time being, chat to friends and neighbours and get involved. Watch this space for further details.


Trinity Church, Harrow 




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