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TAG Questions: Keys to Spiritual Health

Matthew 22:37-40

1)   If you were to make a list of priorities for 2019, what would they include?

2)   What does this list say about the things you hold most precious in your life?


Read Matthew 22:37-40


3)   What does God say our priorities should be?

4)   What does it mean to love God with all your heart, soul and mind?

a)   Is this even possible? How? / why not?

b)   What is the difference between loving with your (i) heart, (ii) soul, and (iii) mind?

5)   What does it mean in practice to love my neighbour?

a)   Who is my neighbour? (see. Luke 10:27-37)

b)   How can I love someone who is difficult to love / or doesn’t receive my love?

6)   Why is it important to love ourselves?

a)   How is my love for myself linked to my love for others?

b)   How can I keep a healthy balance in loving myself so that I don’t become overly self-absorbed or overly self-loathing?

TAG Questions: Keys to Spiritual Health: Compassion

Colossians 3:12


1)   Do you consider yourself to be a compassionate person? Why / Why not?

2)   Can you describe a time when someone has showed you compassion?

a)   What happened?

b)   What difference did it make to you?


Read Colossians 3:1-17


3)   How would you define compassion?

a)   How does it differ from empathy?

4)   Read Psalm 86:15 and Lamentations 3:22. God is a God of compassion. How has God showed compassion to you?

5)   Jesus had compassion on people… see Matthew 14:14, Mark 1:40-41. What did Jesus’ compassion move him to do?

6)   Read 1 John 3:16-18. (“pity” (vs. 17) is the same Greek word as “compassion”).

a)   How should we respond to suffering and need around us?

b)   How do we do this practically when there are so many needs?

7)   Colossians 3:12 tells us to “clothe yourselves” with compassion.

a)   How do I learn to be more compassionate?

b)   What benefits would a more compassionate “me” bring to others around me and to myself?

TAG Questions: Keys to Spiritual Health: Kindness

Colossians 3:12



1)   What was the last kind act that you did / was done to you?

2)   How frequently are you kind to others?

a)   How do you show your kindness?

b)   What difference does it make to others and to yourself?


Read Colossians 3:1-17


3)   How would you define kindness?

a)   How does it differ from compassion?

4)   Read Galatians 5:22; 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 (especially vs. 6); 1 Corinthians 13:4.

a)   How is kindness supernatural (from God)?

b)   Can non-believers be kind? If so, how does this differ from believers?

5)   What is the aim of kindness (for a believer)?

a)   See Romans 2:4; Ephesians 4:32

6)   How can you “clothe yourself with kindness”?

a)   How can you grow in kindness – become more kind?

7)   What are some of the practical ways you can show more kindness…

a)   To others?

b)   To yourself?

TAG Questions: Keys to Spiritual Health: Humility

Colossians 3:12


  1. Who is the most humble person I have ever seen or known?

  2. What is it within them that makes them humble?

  3. Describe what Biblical humility is?

  4. How do I exhibit Humility in my daily life?

  5. What blocks Humility from working and being exhibited in me?

(See Proverbs 16:18, Proverbs 18:12, Luke 18:9-14)


   6.Why is being humble so important to being a follower of Jesus

   7.How can I grow and help others to grow in humility?

(Can you think of specific examples which have helped you or others?)

TAG Questions: Keys to Spiritual Health: Gentleness

Colossians 3:12



1)   Gentleness –  the dictionary definition is: “the quality of being kind, tender, or mild-mannered.”

a)   How do you display gentleness to others?

b)   How do others display gentleness to you?

c)    How does gentleness make you feel?


Read Colossians 3:1-17


2)   How would you define biblical gentleness?

a)   How does it differ from the dictionary definition above?

3)   When I face stressful situations in life, how do I usually respond? (Fight, flight or freeze)

a)   Why might this be?

4)   Read Matthew 11:28-30

a)   What difference does being yoked to Jesus make in our lives?

b)   Can you think of a time when this was true for you? What happened?

c)    What do you think Jesus meant when he said “my yoke is easy and my burden is light”? (vs. 30)

5)   How do I become yoked to Jesus?

a)   What do I need to ‘give up’ in this process?

b)   Why is this so difficult?

6)   How can I “clothe myself with gentleness” and be a greater channel of showing the gentleness of Jesus to others?

TAG Questions: Keys to Spiritual Health: Patience

Colossians 3:12



1)   How easy / difficult do you find it to be patient?

a)   Would others who know you best describe you as a patient or impatient person?

b)   Can you think of a specific example where you needed to be patient… did you find it difficult or easy in that moment? Why?


Read Colossians 3:1-17


2)   How would you define patience?

a)   We often find some things easier than others to be patient about

i)      Can you think of easy and difficult things in your life?

ii)    Why do you think that is?

3)   Read James 5:7-11

a)   What are the three different examples given in this passage of people who were required to be patient?

b)   How does their patience differ from one another?

c)    What can we learn from them about the way we can grow in patience?

4)   In verse 8 James reminds us to “stand firm” and then reminds us of the ultimate plan of God… How does this help us grow in patience?

5)   How can I “clothe myself with patience” to be a greater channel of showing the character of God to others? (see Galatians 5:22)

TAG Questions: Keys to Spiritual Health: Earthly Nature

Colossians 3:5



1)   If there was one thing about your appearance that you could change, what would it be?

a)   What about your character? What would you most like to change there?


Read Colossians 3:1-17


2)   Look at the list of “earthly nature” characteristics in verses 5-11.

a)   Which of these do you particularly struggle with?

b)   What has been the consequences to you and others?

3)   Focus on verse 5 – “put to death” is very strong language.

a)   Why do you think it is written in such forceful terms?

b)   What do you think it means? And, what doesn’t it mean?

c)    Why is it essential we allow these changes in our lives?

4)   The Bible recognises that it’s difficult to change (Matthew 19:26), but everything is possible with God’s help (Phil. 4:13).

a)   How can you “put to death” these negative characteristics?

b)   How can you appropriately help others (Gal. 6:2) who ask you to help them in their struggles with their earthly nature?

c)    What should our response be if we see another believer struggling in one of these areas (but they haven’t asked us for help)? (see Gal. 6:1-2; James 5:19-20)

5)   Think about examples from your own life of how you’ve changed. Have you seen change in “putting to death” any of these earthly nature characteristics and “clothing yourself” in any of the Christ-like ones? Give thanks to God for His constant impact in your life.

TAG Questions: Keys to Spiritual Health: Forgiveness

Colossians 3:13



1)   Think back in your life – who has been the most difficult person you’ve struggled to forgive?

a)   Why do you / did you find it so difficult?

b)   Did other people give you advice on how to forgive? Was it helpful?

c)    What has been the consequences of unforgiveness?


Read Colossians 3:1-17


2)   We are commanded in verse 13 to “forgive as the Lord forgave you”

a)   In what ways has God forgiven you?

b)   Make a list of some of the categories in your life where God has forgiven you.

c)    How has God forgiven you? What does that mean to you?

d)   Is it possible to forgive others as the Lord has forgiven us?

3)   Read Matthew 6:9-15 and Matthew 18:21-35.

a)   What are the consequences of unforgiveness?

b)   Why is it so important that you forgive others?

c)    Why does the Bible make such a big deal about the need for forgiveness between ourselves and God and with one another?

d)   Is it possible to be a follower of Jesus and harbour unforgiveness in our hearts?

4)   How can you tell when you’ve truly forgiven someone?

a)   What changes in you?

5)   What is the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation?

6)   Who do you need to forgive?

a)   What steps do you need to take to make forgiveness a reality in this situation?

b)   What is stopping you starting / continuing that process of forgiving?

TAG Questions: Keys to Spiritual Health: Agape Love

Colossians 3:14



1)   What are the ways in your life that you have given and received love?

a)   Who has loved you the best? What made this so?

b)   Do you find it easier to love certain people rather than others?

c)    Why?


Read Colossians 3:1-17


2)   The Bible has a number of different words to describe “love”. In this passage Paul is describing “agape” love.

a)   What is “agape” love?

b)   How does it differ from other kinds of love?

3)   How has our cultural idea of love hindered or affected our obedience to biblical love?


Read 1 John 4:7-12


4)   What is the source of agape love?

a)   What does this imply for believers and non-believers in Christ?

b)   How did God demonstrate agape love to humanity?

5)   Focus on verse 11 and 12.

a)   How (in practical ways) should we show agape love to one another?

b)   How would the church look different if agape love was shared by everyone?


Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a


6)   List the 15 ways agape love is described in this passage.

a)   Which of these do you find easiest and which most difficult?

b)   How can you be a greater channel of showing agape love to others?

TAG Questions: Keys to Spiritual Health: Peace of Christ

Colossians 3:15


1)   How affected are you by your circumstance?

a)   When you receive bad news… how unsettled do you feel?

b)   When you fall out and have an argument or disagreement with someone, what impact does it have on your spirit?

c)    What in your life negatively affects your inner sense of calm?


Read Colossians 3:1-17


2)   Focus on verse 15.

a)   What is the “peace of Christ?”

b)   How can this peace of Christ rule your hearts?

i)      What does it really mean – to “rule your hearts”?

ii)    How can you tell if this is a reality for you, or for others? What difference does it make in your life?


Read John 14:25-27


3)   How does Jesus’ peace differ from “normal” peace? (see vs.27)

a)   What are the results of receiving Jesus’ peace?

b)   How can you receive the peace of Christ?

Read Philippians 4:4-7

4)   Another believer comes to you struggling with anxiety and worry in their life. How would you help them find the peace of Christ?


TAG Questions: Keys to Spiritual Health: The Power of Words

Colossians 3:8-10


1)   What is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?

a)   Why was it so uplifting?

b)   How did it make you feel?

c)    What has been the most personally damaging thing someone has ever said to you?


Read Colossians 3:1-17


2)   Focus on verses 8-10.

a)   Out of the list given, which do you struggle with the most?

b)   How can you “rid yourself” of these things?

i)      What does it really mean – to “take off your old self and put on the new self”?

ii)    How can you tell if this is a reality for you, or for others? What difference does it make in your life?


Read Matthew 12:33-37


3)   What does Jesus say about the words you use and their relation to your heart (the core of who you are)?

4)   Consider carefully verses 36-37.

a)   What is Jesus really saying?

b)   How does your daily response show you take this seriously?

c)    What role does our faith play regarding what Jesus has said here?


Read Numbers 13 and 14.


5)   How can your words affect / influence others for either good or ill?

a)   Do you think what you say matters in bringing the Kingdom of God?

b)   God severely punishes both those responsible and the whole people for listening to them…

i)      Why is the punishment so severe?

ii)    What is God saying to you in this narrative?


Read Philippians 2:14-15


6)   How is the use of your mouth linked to purity (becoming blameless)?

7)   How well are you achieving God’s aim for you (vs. 15)?

a)   What do you need to do to “shine like a star in the universe”?

TAG Questions: Keys to Spiritual Health: Be Learners and Teachers

Colossians 3:16


1)   Who has been the best teacher in your life?

a)   What made them so impactful in your life?

b)   What difference did they make to your life?


Read Colossians 3:1-17


2)   Focus on verses 16.

a)   How would you paraphrase this verse in your own words?


Read John 16:12-15


3)   What part does the Holy Spirit play in teaching us the ways of God?

4)   What does it mean that the Spirit guides us?

a)   How do the Spirit guide us?

b)   Can you give examples from your own life where you have recognised the Spirit’s guidance?

c)    What are the different ways the Spirit speaks / teaches us?

Read 1 Corinthians 2:6-16

5)   Focus on verse 11-13.

a)   What is it that the Spirit knows?

i)      How does the Spirit reveal to us the “mind of Christ”?

ii)    What difference should verse 16 make in our lives?


6)   Consider again Colossians 3:16.

a)   What is the Spirit teaching you in your life today?

b)   How are you “teaching and admonishing” other believers with the knowledge God’s Spirit has imparted to you?

TAG Questions: Keys to Spiritual Health: In the Name of Jesus

Colossians 3:17


1)   What uniforms have you worn in your life?

a)   What characteristics / culture did they stand for?

b)   If you were to design a uniform to match your character, what would it be? (formal / informal; colourful / plain; etc…)


Read Colossians 3:1-17


2)   Focus on verses 17.

a)   What does it mean to do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus? (Consider the context of the verse)

b)   In what ways do you successfully do this?

c)    In what ways do you fail?

d)   How can others tell that you are living in the name of the Lord Jesus?


Read Romans 8:16-17 and Ephesians 1:13-23


3)   What do these passages teach us about our position with Christ and the Father?

a)   Do you truly believe what this says for yourself? Explain.

b)   What difference does this make to you?


Read Luke 22:42 and John 15:1-17


4)   How does our obedience to the Father impact on our living in the name of the Lord Jesus?

a)   Read Exodus 20:7 –

i)      What warning is given to those who misuse the name of the Lord?

ii)    How does one misuse the name of the Lord?

b)   Re-read Colossians 3:17. What changes could you make in your life to live in Jesus’ name in a more fruitful way?


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