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Congregational Easter Recording


If you would like to be part of the online congregational recording of this Easter hymn, simply play the attached backing below, practise it a few times and then record* yourself on your phone or other recording device. (Audio only please)

* Tip: play through headphones so that only your voice is recorded.

Then email your recording to by midday on Monday April 6th.


Many thanks for your contribution.


Of course, what better excuse to get us to consider afresh the challenging lyrics of Isaac Watts in this great hymn! As we rehearse, let's PRAY: that these words may be ever true for us. REFLECT: perhaps read Luke 23 or another of the Gospel accounts. WORSHIP: while we record. This is so much more important than anything else! 

When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of glory died,
My richest gain I count but loss
And pour contempt on all my pride.

Forbid it Lord that I should boast
Save in the death of Christ my God.
All the vain things that charm me most,
I sacrifice them to His blood.

See from His head, His hands, His feet;
Sorrow and love flow mingled down.
Did ever such love and sorrow meet
Or thorns compose so rich a crown?

Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were an offering far too small.
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all.

When I Survey 1.MP3
00:00 / 02:48


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